Sidekick Boxing

What Equipment Do I Need For Kickboxing?

You may have recently started a martial art like kickboxing or Thaiboxing, however, it can be difficult to know what the best or correct equipment to use is.

If you have already searched the web it may have been quite daunting with millions upon millions of search results coming back.

Let’s just say you have certainly come to the right place! here at Sidekick Boxing, we will guide you with everything you need for your martial arts.

Is there a difference between Kickboxing and Thaiboxing equipment?

Both styles of fighting are a form of kickboxing. However, kickboxing and Thaiboxing are quite literally worlds apart. One originates from the western hemisphere and the other is from the east.

In a previous blog post, ‘Boxing Gloves or Kickboxing Gloves: Which is Better?’, we suggested that:

‘For centuries, boxing gloves have been a staple in the sport. From their humble beginnings where boxing first appeared in the Olympics in 688 B.C., oil-softened oxhide strips were used to wrap around the fighter’s hands.’

However, the equipment needed for various forms of martial arts has developed exponentially since their original humble beginnings.

This shows that it is not as quite as simple as a ‘punch is a punch, a kick is a kick’, as Dennis Alexio once quoted in the 1989 movie Kickboxer.

You may get away with using one style of equipment to another but you may stick out like a sore thumb if you were to wear kickboxing trousers in a Muay Thai class or the bright coloured Thai shorts to a kickboxing class.

The gloves are generally a personal preference. For example, some fighters might prefer a plainer design to their gloves, and others might prefer something a bit more striking in design. It’s up to the individual to know what they want.

Colour as deep as an ocean, punches as fast as a shark! #Ultimate

What are the Different Styles of Kickboxing?

There are many styles of kickboxing but let’s go through some of the most popular kickboxing styles and the equipment used for them.

Full Contact Kickboxing Equipment

Full Contact kickboxing derived from sport Karate. Even though it is called full contact, it is one of the most protected forms of kickboxing. This is because foot and shin protection is worn even in professional bouts. Also, no low kicks are allowed which drastically reduces potential injuries.

Boxing Gloves: For more information about boxing gloves, please check out our blog post: ‘Boxing Gloves or Kickboxing gloves: Which is Better?’

‘Boxing gloves do come in various designs and styles but every boxing glove must give as close to a natural fist shape when the boxing gloves are worn to ensure you are punching correctly. A grip bar is fitted to the top of the gloves for the fingers to grip onto.’

Hand Wraps: For anyone who is practicing punches, hand wraps are perfect to prevent long-term injury to the wrist. Our Boxing Hand Wraps are made from extra thick woven material which means that they offer great protection. Learn how to wrap your hands correctly here.

Kickboxing Trousers: Some types of kickboxing equipment are suitable for a wide variety of fighting styles, this includes kickboxing trousers. However, kickboxing trousers are specifically designed with sport in mind.

Kick Boots: Kick boots are perfectly designed not only to keep the wearer’s feet protected, but also their opponent too. Often made from a sponge-like material, kick boots are great for any level of contact.

Elastic shin guards: These are available for protecting the shin or the shin as well as the foot too. Although they are not as protective as other types of shin guards, they are cost-effective and are still a form of protection for a fighter’s shins.

Groin guard: These can be worn under or over your satin shorts or trousers and supports with an elasticated strap for comfort with an easy on/off apply. Perfect for both boys and men, groin guards offer maximum protection.

Head guard: There are a few different types of head guards, two of the main ones are: The Open Face Head Guard which gives better visibility, although it doesn’t cover the chin or cheeks.

The Full Face Head Guard protects the head with extra protection to the chin and cheek area.

Semi Contact / Point Fighting Kickboxing Equipment

Semi-contact rules or Points Fighting is the variant of American kickboxing most similar to karate since it consists of fighting for the purpose of scoring points with an emphasis on delivery, speed, and technique.

Open Palm Point Fighting Gloves: These are perfectly designed for semi-contact sports as a result of their sleek design. Open Palm Point Fighting Gloves are great for Kickboxing, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and more.

Kickboxing trousers: As suggested above, kickboxing trousers can be used in a wide variety of sports as a result of their versatile design.

Groin guard: Even for semi-contact, groin guards should still be used. This is because they are curved to shape which maximises protection for important parts when in training or competitions. Click here for more information.

Other pieces of necessary equipment for Semi Contact / Point Fighting Kickboxing are:

  • Head guard
  • Kick boots
  • Elastic shin guards
  • Belt grade

Details for these pieces are above.

K1 Kickboxing Equipment

K1 Kickboxing is a hybrid form of kickboxing as it is a blend of both kickboxing and Thaiboxing. In one of our previous blog posts ‘What is K1 Kickboxing’ we suggested that “K-1 was established back in 1993 as a martial arts organisation and martial arts brand. Since then, it has become a worldwide organisation known for its heavyweight division fights.”

For more information, check out our blog post here.

For K1 Kickboxing, you will need:

  • Boxing gloves
  • Hand wraps
  • Kickboxing satin shorts
  • Elasticated shin instep guards
  • Groin guard
  • Head guard

Thaiboxing Equipment

The traditional martial art of Thaiboxing goes back centuries and has been given the name ‘The Art of the eight limbs’ as striking from both hands, elbows, knees, and shins are allowed.

For Thaiboxing you will need:

  • Boxing gloves
  • Hand wraps
  • Thaiboxing shorts
  • Groin guard
  • Leather shin instep guards
  • Head guard: In professional fights, no shin protection or head guards are worn.

For our full list of equipment, please follow this link. Or, alternatively, contact us on 07557343312 or email us

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