If you are thinking about starting up kickboxing lessons, you may be wondering what exactly is involved other than just punching and kicking.
Every club may have their own way of training but most kickboxing clubs should still teach the same routines.
If a kickboxing club has a grading syllabus, they may put a few grades in the same class so every student is at a similar level learning the same techniques.

So, what do you do in a typical kickboxing class?
There is a few different types of classes you can attend at your kickboxing club and depending what you are aiming to achieve in kickboxing you can cater your classes to suit you. Kickboxing classes cost between £5 – £10 and private 1-2-1 tuition can cost up to £40 per hour depending on the level of the coach.
Kickboxing class
This is a general class that will cover all your training. The first 5-10 minutes will start by warming up with light exercises and stretches. You will then go through your grading moves, this is to work on perfecting the techniques so you will be more than ready on your next grading.
Then, followed by drills and combinations on the Thai kick pads and punch bags. If you are grade orange belt or above, sparring and block and counters will be required in the class. During each round you coach may swap training partners around so you get experience of different people’s styles.
To finish the class you will do some more fitness and then cooling down with some stretching. It is always good practice to bow as you leave the dojo.
Here is a typical list of training and equipment used in a kickboxing class:
- Warming up – This can include running, star jumps, skipping, press ups and everyone’s favourite, burpees.
- Shadow boxing – Shadow boxing is done on your own, practicing moving around striking and slipping like you would in real sparring or fighting.
- Grading moves – These moves are a set drill or combinations to master for your next belt grade. Read our article ‘The levels of kickboxing’ here.
- Sparring – This is a form of light controlled fighting.
- Punch bag – This is a great to work both punching and kicking combinations and powerful striking.
- Muay Thai kick pads – These are a traditional Thaiboxing training tool and it is many peoples favourite part of training. These are perfect to practice drills as if in a real life kickboxing fight.
- Strike shield – These large padded shields are for those powerful front kicks, round kicks and side kicks.
- Paddle pads – A great tool for working distance and accuracy, especially the spinning jumping kicks.
Watch the video below to see world champion kickboxer Rico Verhoeven going through some fun workouts.
Sparring class
This class is one of the most important classes, especially if you are looking to develop as a fighter. As sparring is very fast paced you will find it is also one of the best classes to improve your fitness. A sparring class can have a lot of various ways of sparring like block and counters, sparring with only specific techniques and freestyle sparring with all strikes. A sparring class is usually only allowed for more experienced kickboxers. Full kickboxing protection must be worn in this class.

What is a block and counter?
A block and counter is we’re you are paired up wearing your protective kickboxing equipment and one will throw a specific attack like a round kick and the other will block it and quickly counter attack with their own combination.
Kickboxing circuit class
A circuit class is designed for fitness while incorporating techniques and moves from kickboxing. Running, press ups, sit ups, and punching the bag are typical things you may do in a circuit class. Every round you move on to a new exercise so you get a good variety of training and working every muscle. This class has no sparring or contact.
Bag blast
This class is very good if you want to let of a bit of steam. You will start off by warming up for 5-10 minutes. Then you will do 12 X 3 minute rounds on the punch bag with one minute intervals. This will give you a little idea of the fitness required for the professionals in a world title fight.
Kickboxing grading
When you first start kickboxing you start as a white belt so the first grading will be for your red belt and will be around 45 minutes long. For your black belt you can expect upto 2 hours. You demonstrate what you have learned in class with you grading moves, block and counters and sparring.
What shall I bring to my first class?
The club may have an intro class we’re you can go in just general gym wear. When signing up it is ideal to get a pair of kickboxing gloves and kickboxing trousers. When you progress to sparring, extra kickboxing equipment will be needed like shin guards, mouth guard, head guard and sparring boxing gloves.
Depending on your current physical fitness, you may experience muscle ache for a few days after your first session, so a muscle pain relief spray is recommended to reduce discomfort.
Visit www.sidekickboxing.co.uk for all your kickboxing needs.