Sidekick Boxing

Why Kickboxing Can Cause Post-Workout Insomnia

Kickboxing is a very active and physically demanding sport that it can leave you feeling completely exhausted after an intense workout.

So-much-so, it’s not uncommon for these high intensity workouts to interfere with your sleep, as the body can become overstimulated and produce higher levels of endorphins.

A lack of sleep can really affect your day-to-day life, especially if you need to be up early for work the following day.

Daniel Knight, the founder of Sidekick Boxing says he used to experience a lack of sleep himself after his kickboxing training.

Knight said:

“I never realised post workout insomnia was a thing. I used to ask others in the gym but no one else ever seemed to have an issue with sleeping.

I found the biggest issue was that all the kickboxing classes were in the evening, so by the time I got home it was tricky to unwind before bed. It wouldn’t be uncommon to still be awake at 1am.”


What is post-workout insomnia and what causes it?

Post workout insomnia is when after any physical activity you have difficulty going to, and falling in a deep sleep.

This type of insomnia can be more common in combat sports like kickboxing, MMA, and boxing as the sparring can give you extra adrenaline, stimulating your mind.

Remedies for post-workout insomnia

If you do suffer from post workout insomnia the best thing we would recommend is to try and exercise in the morning rather than the evenings.

However, we appreciate this can be tricky as you may have full time commitments and many martial arts classes are in the evening.

Here are some remedies for post-workout insomnia:

Eat well

Eat a nutritious snack or meal after a workout to help your muscles recover. However, eating too much can make you feel bloated, and too little can make you hungry.

Exercise at the right time

If exercise causes you to release endorphins, you can try exercising 1–2 hours before bed to give your brain time to wind down.

Cool down

After a workout, you can try lowering your body temperature by wrapping yourself in wet towels, taking a cool shower, or using an ice pack. You can also try keeping your bedroom cool, which can help you fall asleep.

Practice relaxation techniques

You can try deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery to reduce stress and anxiety.

Drink herbal tea

Chamomile, Tulsi, and lemon balm teas can help you fall asleep.

Avoid napping

Napping right after a workout can make you feel groggy and disoriented, and can reduce the quality of your nighttime sleep.

Regular exercise can help most people sleep better, but if you’re having serious sleep problems, you might want to consider slowing down or taking a break from workouts.

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Post-workout insomnia can be very unpleasant and frustrating, as you won’t want to give up your popular sport, but it can also affect your day-to-day life at the same time.

Make sure to try our remedies and if they still do not work, try and find your own solutions. If you do find a great hack, please let us know as we would love to hear.

READ MORE: What are the levels in kickboxing?

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